rock bottom

5 Attention-Grabbing Tactics That Will Triple Your Company’s Visibility

August 17, 20243 min read

Ever felt like you’re shouting into the void with your marketing efforts? You’re not alone. Picture this: you’ve spent months crafting the perfect campaign, only to see minimal engagement and barely any increase in sales. The frustration is real. The lack of time, the overwhelming number of marketing options, and the struggle to measure ROI can leave anyone feeling defeated.

Hi, I’m Deryck, a marketing strategist who’s been in your shoes. I’ve faced the same uphill battles, but I’ve also found solutions that work. Let me share my journey and the five attention-grabbing tactics that can triple your company’s visibility.

Let’s start with the pain. You’ve poured your heart into your campaigns, but the results just aren’t there. It’s not just the wasted time and money that hurts—it’s the constant feeling of spinning your wheels. Every new marketing option feels like a gamble, and you’re left wondering if you’ll ever hit the jackpot. The anxiety of seeing no return on investment is like a shadow that follows you around, making every decision feel weighty and crucial.

Internally, this struggle eats away at you. The endless cycle of trying and failing takes a toll on your confidence. You wake up in the middle of the night, your mind racing with worries about your marketing strategy. It’s hard to focus on anything else when you feel like you’re just not getting it right. The feeling of being overwhelmed is paralyzing, and it starts to affect every aspect of your life.

Let’s paint two pictures here.

Rock Bottom: You continue down this path, trying every new tactic that comes your way, burning through your budget without significant results. Your frustration grows, your confidence plummets, and your business struggles to survive. Nights are spent agonizing over your lack of progress, feeling like a failure.

rock bottom

Top of the Mountain: You discover five proven tactics that consistently grab attention and increase visibility. Your campaigns start to gain traction, engagement rates soar, and sales begin to pour in. You feel a sense of accomplishment as your efforts finally pay off. Your business thrives, and you can sleep easy at night, knowing you’ve cracked the code.


So, what if I told you that your fear of failing again is actually coming true because you’re missing a critical piece of the puzzle? What you suspect might be happening—that your marketing efforts are falling flat because you’re not connecting with your audience—is happening. You were right about needing a new approach, and that’s the problem.

The logical solution you’ve been following—trying every new tactic that comes your way—only makes it worse. Here’s why: without a cohesive, targeted strategy, you’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something sticks. It’s not your fault that you’re facing this problem. Marketing is complex, and it’s easy to get lost in the noise.

The conventional method of piecing together random tactics doesn’t work. Here’s what you have to do instead: focus on five attention-grabbing tactics that will triple your company’s visibility by building a strong foundation and understanding your audience deeply.

Imagine becoming confident in your marketing efforts again, taking pride in the results you’re achieving. You’ll be able to look at your campaign analytics and feel a sense of accomplishment. Your coworkers and industry peers will start to respect your marketing prowess, and most importantly, you’ll finally feel like you’re in control.

Ready to transform your marketing and see real results? Join my free 5-day marketing makeover challenge. In just five days, you’ll learn the exact strategies I used to turn my failing campaigns into revenue-generating machines. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to a marketing approach that actually works. Sign up below and take the first step towards a successful marketing transformation.

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Deryck Jones

Deryck is a 50 year business veteran and entrepreneur who has built multiple six and seven figure companies.

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